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Du musst eingeloggt sein, um neue Logeinträge hinzuzufügen oder den Cache zu bearbeiten.
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We well rock you! - OU06E5
Cache is a small-regular size plastic container with a log book, pencil and a few trinkets.
Besitzer: emilyasdf
Bitte logge dich ein, um die Koordinaten zu sehen.
Höhe: m ü. NHN
 Region: Vereinigte Staaten > Pennsylvania
Cacheart: Traditioneller Cache
Größe: Normal
Status: Kann gesucht werden
Versteckt am: 2013-12-25
Erstellt am: 2013-12-27
Veröffentlicht am: 2013-12-27
Zuletzt geändert am: 2015-01-29
2x gefunden
3x nicht gefunden
1 Bemerkungen
watchers 0 Beobachter
846 Aufrufe
1 x bewertet
Bewertet als: n/a
Um die Koordinaten und die
Cachekarte zu sehen,
musst du angemeldet sein.

Available in Winter  Poison Plants  Thorns  In the Woods  Limited Hours 

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Beschreibung EN FR

The cache is placed off the red/blue trail (red blazes with blue dots) in North Park. The easiest route would be to park at the Wyoming shelter off of North Ridge Drive and go down the trail from there for a short walk. However during the winter, the gates to North Ridge Drive are closed to motor vehicles, so you must walk the road or the trails to access the cache, hence the rating.


Cache is a small-regular size plastic container with a log book, pencil and a few trinkets. Cache was approved by the County of Allegheny Department of Parks on January 23, 2014. Be mindful of any potential mountain bikers, hikers, or runners, as it is a favorite trail of many! Please make sure to hide the cache exactly as you found it (or better) to keep it from being muggled.

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