Proceed to: N35 10.372 W080 42.867
In this area you should find the first Ethercache giving you directions to the next point. There are at least 2 at each point on your way, either will work. If you don't pick one up right away keep trying, move ahead or back a little until you get it.
Once at the proper coordinates Ethercache will provide a message with the coordinates to the next stage in your journey. You will be able to drive from point to point until you are near the final. The last Ethercache will inform you of the final coordinates which you will complete on foot in the woods after driving to a location nearby. You will have to choose the best route in to the final.Special thanks to Rabbit of Caerbannog for playing guinea bunny, testing the route and providing additional Ethercache points along the way so that as many can complete the cache as possible.