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 Wpisy do logu MAGC New Years' Kick Off Muster 2012    3x 1x {{log_note}} 2x   Ukrywaj usunięcia Ukrywaj usunięcia

2095 2012-02-24 20:15 DudleyGrunt (user activity633) - Skrzynka została zarchiwizowana

Cache was archived.

1955 2012-01-02 14:05 Mother Wolf (user activity12) - Uczestniczył w spotkaniu

It looks like DG will be doing an annual Musterl Event. Thats good because he has a nice turnout of cachers & its great to be able to spend some down time with a closer knit group. Thanks Dave & nice to see ya for another yr.....MW

1961 2012-01-01 22:01 cycleangela (user activity149) - Uczestniczył w spotkaniu

My apologies for the late log. I seemed to have forgotten to log the event here as well (shame on me!). I had a great time seeing everyone again. Thanks again for hosting!

1953 2012-01-01 19:00 sfcchaz (user activity404) - Uczestniczył w spotkaniu

Another great event sponsored by the MAGC, thanks DG. Nice seeing everyone tonight. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

4411 2012-01-01 18:00 DudleyGrunt (user activity633) - Komentarz

3075. Also, my 2800th cache! Thanks for everyone for coming out and making this a great event. Thanks to Tab / Blaze132 (up from NC) for bringing the GeocoinFest swag to add to the the Groundspeak decals I'd won from Debbie Does Decals.  Congrats to all that walked away with a door prize.

BTW, we ended up with 28 attendees. I'd estimated 25, so that was pretty good.

Happy New Year and Happy Trails!

1954 2012-01-01 03:25 DudleyGrunt (user activity633) - Wpis skasowany

Wpis typu [Uczestniczył w spotkaniu] skasowany.

1897 2011-12-16 13:14 sfcchaz (user activity404) - Komentarz

See everyone there.

1872 2011-12-08 19:03 cycleangela (user activity149) - Będzie uczestniczył w spotkaniu

I'm pretty sure both of is will be there.