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 Însemnări în jurnal Munzee Fun in Mint Hill    {{found}} 3x {{not_found}} 1x {{log_note}} 0x Photo 1x Gallery  

5639 2015-02-24 17:07 gbmcache (user activity39) - Am găsit

I did not munzee the cache but pretened to do so given that I do not have a smartphone. I was offered a lst munzee coordintes for those in the park and was told that the cache was at one of the sites. So I plotted the list on a map and loaded them into my GPS. Making a circuit of the park I stopped at each one I spotted and said, "Click." Finally at one - I will not say which - I spotted the green container. It will need some maintenance. The continer was open and the contents spread on the forest floor. The paper log itself was laying out and soaking wet. If it had not been a cold and clouldy afternoon I would have sought a sunny spot and laid the log out for the few minutes it would have taken to dry. Thank you for my faux munzee experience.