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Clasament utilizatori după numărul de căutări într-o regiune
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  Clasament  *Număr de însemnări  Utilizator  
  1    132  sfcchaz
  2    99  DudleyGrunt
  3    55  cycleangela
  4    25  Astronut42
  5    15  DisneyScout, zepp914
  6    12  ithink314, Mr.Yuck
  7    11  networkcacher
  8    8  Kitakima, NativTxn
  9    7  lpaulriddle, Searcher28
  10    6  marylandramblers, sorahl
  11    5  Krips Curves, Mother Wolf
  12    4  Cachew Knutz, CrazySanMan, dadgad, EoTwP, nighthawk700, rstickle, Sabrefan7
  13    3  4freds, AltaPete, angeloak, ddog, eissak, littleblkdog, QueensGrantMusic, Rotten Bunnies, ruralseeker, TermiteHunter
  14    2  Castiell59, ConchNative, czar7, gospodyina, Johmer and Tinks, loshad16, MickEMT, mortonfox, obxgeek, Poofinburd, Rayman, SoccerFanatics, stargatekrewe, texliebmann, web-ling, wildernessben
  15    1  Auroral Mechanism, BlueRock, Borst68, Burdick Family, Cayuga Crew, ChiggerNGoat, cooley1103, debaere, DenaBountyHunters, donbadabon, ennazus, FailedApparatus, Furious Shepherd, gabiandbeecharmer13, Geo-Kathy, GeoJunkie, GOF, havocgeo, jfigel, Journey374, JT3Halls, JuniorNimrod, kingzebulon1, Lostsole68, MDSurveyor, mermaldad, Mrs. HB31, neoncacher, nytepyre, PaulaScott, Redleg7, redlights, rvstauff, satch47, Sparks, Tarniel009, Team Bailey, Terp79, tinyc1112, trainbug, TreasureHunter1042, Trecherus, TrevRnR, troop424, ucobear, USMA77, wetfit, WIZZY_SEAS, xkaseyx