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Benutzer-Rangliste nach gesuchten Caches in einer Region
(Funde + Nichtfunde)


  Rang  Logs  Benutzer  
  1    58  TommyGator
  2    12  littlepod, Mr.Yuck
  3    11  DJCreekCachers
  4    10  Bernoulli
  5    8  Grey-n-Red
  6    4  bigdog421
  7    3  5BizzyBs, boydfamily, Falamazar, karen1962, OGgirls, pikespice
  8    2  crazyhick50, PZ Dude, Rayman, TwistyNye
  9    1  2onebillioncashes, Almost 5, bennet, BuckeyeFinnigan, City Slicker OH, intrepid dyad, Long_Lost_Cacher, mermaldad, metalhead, mutt-, OCNAChallenges, petlovers4life, piano2ner , RogFel, Stapmw, TeamErnzer, texliebmann, the bucket brigade, The Scorpio, Those_guys, TTFNCachn, web-ling, Xero419