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  Ranking  Number of logs  User  
  1    8  Mr.Yuck
  2    7  DudleyGrunt
  3    6  sfcchaz
  4    3  cycleangela, Johmer and Tinks, Szuchie
  5    2  Grunriese, John Galt, Kitakima, PipeOrgan, Rattrak, sorahl, WMD9800
  6    1  Blargy2, Bon Echo, Cayuga Crew, DaveBrews, JuniorNimrod, KimMot, networkcacher, obxgeek, ozonepro2002, PaddleAway, PicklesMcGee, platyk, simrebel, Snarfmon23, texliebmann, the bucket brigade, TommyGator, tripman1, web-ling, wirtz