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OCNA Challenge Cache - First To Find Hound (Level 2) - OU0936
Be FTF on 20 OCNA caches
This cache belongs to GeoPath!
Please log in to see the coordinates.
Altitude: m. ASL.
 Region: United States > None (Locationless)
Cache type: Other type
Size: Regular
Status: Ready for Search
Date hidden: 2015-10-30
Date created: 2015-10-30
Date published: 2015-10-30
Last modification: 2020-06-02
7x Found
0x Not found
2 notes
watchers 0 watchers
1108 visitors
4 x rated
Rated as: Excellent
1 x recommended
This cache is recommended by: ithink314
In order to view coordinates and
the map of caches
you must be logged in
Cache attributes

Challenge  Listed on OCNA Only 

Please read the Opencaching attributes article.
Description EN


As the banner says, if you qualify, you can log it. All OCNA Challenge caches are locationless type, arranged as Geo-Art in The Gulf of Mexico.They are all "unknown" (?) caches, owned by a special Admin account, OCNAChallenges. Do you have an idea for one? Feel free to contact us.


First To Find Hound Level 2:  There are plenty of opportunities to be FTF and few rewards so here is a Challenge Cache that commemorates those achievements.  

To claim this one all you need to do is be the FTF on 20 OCNA caches. You can claim the 10 FTFs used to log First To Find Hound Level 1, along with an additional 10 qualifying FTF caches.

Team members may also claim FTF on a particular cache provided that being part of a group of finders is mentioned in the logs.

First To Find is defined as being the individual or any member of a team that finds a previously unfound cache and is among the first to sign the physical log regardless of who logs online first. For those caches that have no log to sign, the online log shall be the log of record (webcam, virtual etc) Cross listed caches that have been previously found on any listing service do not qualify.

Verification: Please post your qualifying finds with your log, preferably in the format, and also keep in mind you can link to cache pages using our cache log editor, although is not mandatory. To see if you qualify, you can just look through your list of finds in your profile, but keep in mind, we do have the equivalent of a Groundspeak "my finds pocket query", (instructions here) [NOTE: this search function is currently not working as described] and that .gpx file is easily imported into GSAK, or any similar stats program. We recommend a "gpx gc" file. You can also try GeoGet as an alternative to GSAK.



Log entries: Found 7x Not found 0x Note 2x All entries Hide deletions