The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) "Cache to Eagle" series is a National program to highlight past Eagle Scout projects. This is the first one for the Cape Fear Council!
Cape Fear Council is a smaller council with 2000 registered youth as of Oct 2023, and is always looking for more.
For Eagle Scout, and in addition to all of the typical Scout skills, badges, and having lots of fun doing outdoor activities, an Eagle Scout candidate has to come up with their own project, coordinate resources, and provide leadership. This is in addition to performing traditional community service for each prior rank they have obtained up to this point.
Off of Airbase Rd to the SW, at Spring Hill Middle School, there is a newly created 9-hole Disc Golf course. In addition there are several other projects that have been done at the school to support the students and faculty, including: constructing a brick patio, making picnic tables, benches and table, and a garden. Note the Disc Golf course is open to the public outside of normal school hours.
Slow down before you get to the coordinates there is a grass trail you can pull off on.