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Amid the Sentinels - OU02BC
Placed With Approval of MWR Annapolis
Owner: DudleyGrunt
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Altitude: m. ASL.
 Region: United States > Maryland
Cache type: Traditional
Size: Micro
Status: Ready for Search
Date hidden: 2011-06-05
Date created: 2011-06-05
Date published: 2011-06-05
Last modification: 2020-06-07
2x Found
0x Not found
0 notes
watchers 1 watchers
664 visitors
2 x rated
Rated as: n/a
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Cache attributes

Kid Friendly  Available in Winter  Poison Plants  Snakes  Ticks  Thorns  Big Rig Friendly  Listed on OCNA Only  Bring Your Own Pen  In the Woods  Limited Hours 

Please read the Opencaching attributes article.
Description EN

This cache has been placed in conjunction with the MAGC 5th Aniversary Celebration and has been placed with the blessing of MWR Annapolis.  At the trailhead, you will see signs that may seem conflicting.  Greenbury Point is open for public access and use from dawn to dusk.

Greenbury Point is a 231 acre peninsula on the Atlantic Coastal Plain. It borders the Chesapeake Bay to the east, the Severn River to the south, and Carr Creek to the west. It contains around 40 acres of wetlands which have remained freshwater because the property is bulkheaded . The remainder of the property is mostly grasslands and successional woody growth. It has a thin riparian buffer along half of the property.

Common wildlife species inhabiting the Point include white-tailed deer, red fox, bobwhite quail, osprey, raccoons, woodchucks, blue birds, and great blue herons. Uncommon grassland birds are sometimes spotted including the eastern meadowlark, Lincoln sparrow, and yellow breasted chat.

The cache is a camo'd matchstick case, just a bit off the main trail.  The cache contains only a log, but could fit very small swag items.  It is secured in place with natural materials.  Please replace just as found.

In order to claim this cache, you must simply sign the physical log book.  Of course, I'd also love to see your thoughts and / or  pictures of your visit, as well.

Please be sure to carefully obey the posted speed limits and other posted regulations, while on USNA property.


Maryland Geocaching Society

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Additional waypoints
Symbol Type Coordinates Description
Parking area --- Recommended parking.
Trailhead --- Gate at West Road.
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