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Toronto's Inukshuk - OU0072
Located on Toronto's waterfront stands this enormous Inukshuk
Owner: entogeek
Please log in to see the coordinates.
Altitude: m. ASL.
 Region: Canada > Ontario
Cache type: Virtual
Size: No container
Status: Ready for Search
Date hidden: 2010-08-28
Date created: 2010-08-28
Date published: 2010-08-28
Last modification: 2010-11-29
5x Found
0x Not found
0 notes
watchers 0 watchers
693 visitors
3 x rated
Rated as: Excellent
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Description EN

Canada's Arctic region is dominated by the tundra biome which is devoid of trees and lacks any natural landmarks - however stones can be found on this landscape.

Canada's northern people's, including peoples of other Arctic nations, build these stone structures for a variety of purposes including navigation, reference points, hunt ground markers or as a food cache.

Located in Toronto's Inukshuk Park stands this magnficent statue.

To log this cache, locate the plaque near the Inukshuk and email the CO with answer to the following question:

"What is the eighth word on the first full line of text on the plaque?" (The title on the plaque is not considered the first full line of text).

Toronto's Inukshuk
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