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2017-08-16 14:11 TermiteHunter (242) - Archived
2017-08-16 14:09 TermiteHunter (242) - Note
2015-09-02 00:11 ithink314 (276) - Needs maintenance
2015-08-02 15:07 themulcher (41) - Found it
2015-08-02 12:39 GoinPostNet (208) - Found it
2014-08-17 18:29 ithink314 (276) - Found it
2012-09-01 19:41 rvstauff (83) - Found it
Very Cool, TH!
I got this JUST before the thunderstorm hit!
When I plugged in the USB, it took a while for the computer to find it - it said something like "Preparing Device Driver" or something. Eventually that failed and then I could access the USB contents in Windows Explorer. It took a minute.
Fortunately, nobody drove by - I am sure I looked like I lost my mind balancing my computer on one hand and trying to shielding it from rain sprinkles and type with the other hand.
Fun experience.
That's right, I have "spherical reproductive equipment"!
Thanks, TH!