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 Log entries To Hell and Back    {{found}} 8x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 1x Photo 9x Gallery  

7899 2017-04-14 02:23 recommendation Mr.Yuck (user activity229) - Found it

Am I crazy? Coordinates seemed to be about 123 feet off! I was consistenly taken back to the same spot, all while I walked right up to the other nearby virtual by using c:geo in offline mode on my phone. I ended up asking a young Marine PFC who was hanging around the area. I didn't ask, but I do believe he was hanging around to go in rotation to be one of the Tomb of the unknown Soldier guards. He pointed me to the correct area. Thanks so much for creating this virtual, awesome!
Pictures for this log entry:
The ultimate badass
The ultimate badass

4450 2014-02-22 15:31 herbiekid (user activity5) - Found it

Caching on our HoneyMoon. Thanks for setting this up. This Guy is one of my Heroes.
herbiekid & mom0f5
Pictures for this log entry:

4068 2013-07-08 21:32 tripman1 (user activity71) - Found it

When i was in the military I served in the 3rd ID so I knew this one immediatley after I read the name.  Thanks for the fun virtual.
Pictures for this log entry:
Audie Murphy
Audie Murphy

1568 2011-09-11 19:09 cycleangela (user activity149) - Found it

While my mom was up here visiting, she wanted to go see the changing of the guards, and we had time to pick up a couple of the caches while we were there. I wish we'd had more time to do the rest of them, but we'll have to come back sometime. Thanks for the cache!
Pictures for this log entry:
Not a great picture
Not a great picture

975 2011-04-13 22:16 sfcchaz (user activity406) - Note

Looking over my stats, I noticed that this was not one of my recommendations. Definately an oversight or maybe I didn't have enough finds at the time to recommend it. In either case this is a MUST SEE cache! Thanks for showing me it.

772 2011-01-22 23:50 DudleyGrunt (user activity634) - Found it

2491.  A bit of deja vu, here.  Returned to ANC today, to log the two OCUS caches.  For some reason, there weren't many people here today - mostly some various youth groups.  After visiting the baddest guy from WWII, I walked over to the Tomb of the Unknown, just in time to see the noon changing of the guard.

Thanks and Happy Trails!

Pictures for this log entry:
At Gravesite
At Gravesite
Headstone & Weaths
Headstone & Weaths

254 2010-10-16 21:37 rob3k (user activity10) - Found it

Picked up a bunch of caches in Arlington National Cemetery and this was a highlight.  Goofed up th cache that visits this spot as we took the numbers from the man's marker and not the proper one.  Oops!

This is my first OU find, thanks for the cache!

Pictures for this log entry:
To Hell and Back
To Hell and Back

224 2010-10-12 01:17 nighthawk700 (user activity14) - Found it

Got the 7 caches at Arlington National Cemetery, so wanted to get the one Opencaching cache as well.  It ties in with one of the, but this is a virtual, where as the other is a multi that leads elsewhere, so hopefully that's enough to consider them SEPERATE caches.  I couldn't get a good shot of me holding the GPS, so put it on the ground (in front of the marker) for this picture.  TFTC.
Pictures for this log entry:
Nighthawk700's GPS at the cache
Nighthawk700's GPS at the cache

122 2010-09-18 14:18 recommendation sfcchaz (user activity406) - Found it

I spent several hours in Arlington National Cemetary today paying my respects and also completing a few caches. As this hero wanted, his headstone is inconspicuous. I had GZ a little further south, but the audience around his grave made it easy to find. Thanks for bringing me here. TFTC
Pictures for this log entry:
A true American Hero!
A true American Hero!