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743 2011-01-16 21:26 ijeep (user activity24) - Found it

It's a little tricky to get close to this one from the Traces. After a few u-turns we got there. Nice quality on the container; it should last. Thanks for the opencache placement.

201 2010-10-05 18:07 ronbo (user activity5) - Found it

Went out for lunch and decided to try this new cache. Had the road to myself so I just parked in the middle of the road.  The coords were right on. I zeroed out and looked up and there was the container.  I love the camoflauge tape.  Got to get me some of that.  Thanks for the cache. Now I'm going to have to hide one for you to find.

Ron Willett

Flora, MS

86 2010-09-12 22:53 kodor (user activity1) - Record deleted

Record of type [Note] deleted.