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 Log entries Belva Lockwood    {{found}} 10x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 0x   Show deletions Show deletions

9094 2019-12-01 00:00 OC Team - OC Team comment

Cache of week Hello GOF!

I'm pleased to inform you that your cache became: Cache of the week


OC Team

3875 2013-05-13 19:59 annandabby (user activity2) - Found it

I found this last year when doing other GC caches in Royalton Ravine. I don't think the log left my phone though.

2821 2012-07-13 11:30 recommendation DudleyGrunt (user activity634) - Found it

3405.  Was nice to follow up my friend and fellow Marylander, chaz, just sorry it has been another 10 months since his find.  I managed to use the optimal trailhead and got to GZ, without issue.

Cache was well hidden and in great shape.  Didn't take too long to locate, though.  Used my geo-sense and starting poking suspected spots with a stick - which I used the rest of the day.

Plenty of decent swag, still.  I simply left my wooden nickel.

Thanks and Happy Trails!




1556 2011-09-07 02:20 sfcchaz (user activity406) - Found it

We are in this area on a mini vacation at Niagara Falls. Of course with vacation comes caching. This was the last of nine OCUS caches today in the area. Wow Surprised the first find in over 10 months. It was obvious that this hadn't been found in quite some time, as it hidden better by 10 months of fallen material. Thank goodness for ammo can noises. Wink TNLN TFTC

287 2010-10-31 20:45 Sabrefan7 (user activity89) - Found it

My first visit to this nice park. I never saw the water falls or the ruins. I think I was parked on the wrong side of the park. I made the find wile doing the near by multi on GC. A classic GOF hiding spot. I left one cache for a return trip. There is plenty of room for more here that's for sure. Thanks for the fun time today!

279 2010-10-25 03:05 Rayman (user activity93) - Found it

After successfully getting Yuck checked in on foursquare, we made the nice walk to the cache area. As usual, Yuck's Garmin was leading him astray and he went off trail way too early. Meanwhile I kept on going a little further and bushwhacked much less. Then while he was probably 100' or so away, I was able to make the find in about the third or fourth place I looked. Eventually Yuck made it over and made the find too. Nicely hidden and an excellent cache. Sadly for me, I had no beverage to enjoy at the pavilion, so I struggled to check my fantasy football score on my phone while Yuck drank away. Tons of ladybugs around too! TFTC TNLN.

278 2010-10-24 22:40 recommendation Mr.Yuck (user activity229) - Found it

Interesting, never heard of her. Only my 2nd time ever to this park, and I found the 2002 placed ammo box here in 2004 or 2005! I had Rayman with me, and we made quick work of this one. Actually, I just said that, fallen leaves, which always give me fits this time of year, concealed the cache pretty well. However, I did indeed make quick work of a PBR King Can at a picnic shelter in the park that I bought at the gas station on Rt. 31 on the way there. I was driving, and we were running out of time, so I need to return for Not Quite the Grand Canyon, and the Atmospherium cache, at a later date. Nope, didn't see any Giant Hogweed. TNLN (although there's a lot of nice swag in there). Thanks for placing the opencache!

236 2010-10-11 12:17 Szuchie (user activity20) - Found it

Chicky and I had our OC mojo working, and after running around Lockport we decided our next stop would be Belva Lockwood (she’s uh…quite the looker there eh GOF? Hahahaha). Anyway, we found the blue trail after deciphering the trail map and after a short walk we were in the woods. Wow, those oak trees are MASSIVE in there. I must have said wow like 10 times between the time we entered the woods until the time we left. There were some real beauties in there. And yes, I impress pretty easy. Haha.

Anyways, the GPS was giving us some ‘tude, but eventually we were able to hone in on the cache and after a little poking and prodding the cache was found. We signed in and scoped out the swag. Then there was more tree drooling and eventually I rehid the box. Yay for my 3rd ammo can box find! These are my favs, so hopefully there will be many more in my future.

Chicky and I decided to take an alternate route out, and as with all things with no guts, comes no glory. All part of the adventure my friend, and well worth the stop. Thanks for the OC and for introducing us to Royalton Ravine.


202 2010-10-05 20:08 Borst68 (user activity61) - Found it

Yay! My first OP cache find!  Had not trouble locating GZ.  Cache was well hidden but I managed to find it in short order.  I had a nice walk in the park this afternoon despite the constant drizzle. TFTC!

194 2010-10-04 23:00 Atmospherium (user activity36) - Found it

I was feeling the strain a bit today (a bad sign on Monday, with a long work week still ahead), so I thought a walk in the wet woods on this rainy evening would do me good. It did; it always does. Why doesn't someone offer to pay me to wander around in the woods all day?

This was a quick find, which allowed me to take care of some other business in the park tonight before darkness closed in. Thanks!

184 2010-10-04 09:45 Cayuga Crew (user activity80) - Found it

My first trip out to the Royalton Ravine this year.  Originally thought when I saw the listing that the cache would be in a different location and was surprised to see the GPS leading in a different direction once I loaded the coords in.  After making the find and signing in an empty log I continued on the trail through the ravine and to the falls just to get a little more trail time and perhaps to sneak an apple out of the orchard that borders the north side of the park.  Found some interesting grafitti along the blue trail on the opposite side of the creek.  Sort of a "Burma Shave" style of message painted on trees  along the trail.  All I can say it that it didn't exactly spell out Welcome to Royalton.