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9234 2020-05-18 10:15 sfcchaz (user activity406) - Found it

I haven't been on the site for a while until just recently. I retired and moved south last summer. Only a couple of OCNA caches within 100 miles of where I now live. 

Now with this Covid-19 thing happening, I, like most other people, are not caching as much as I'm used to. I was reminded of these locationless caches and decided to revisit them. Lots of research to do here, but I have several that I qualify for.

My requirement for the OCNA Challenge Cache - Seasonal Cacher (Winter) is below:


Hidden 12/23/2010 - Healing Garden Guestbook - OU0200

Hidden 01/08/2011 - MAGC Ammo Can Roll Call - OU0227 

Hidden 02/27/2011 - Original Washington Monument - OU025E



9051 2019-10-13 21:09 Bon Echo (user activity216) - Found it

Kenmore, N.Y. Little Free Library - OU079D Date hidden: 2014-12-27 ; Found 2015-03-31 (my very first OCNA find)
Tickled Pink - OU079F Date hidden: 2015-01-21; Found 2016-10-19
Giant Sleeping Gryphon Mascot - OU0B19 Date hidden: 2018-02-01; Found 2018-04-10

8741 2018-11-28 20:06 GoinPostNet (user activity208) - Found it

Open Hole - OU01C3 - Hidden December 9 2010

HOMELAND: Brodey House - OU05CF - Hidden January 4 2013

That's the Spirit! - OU05E8 - Hidden February 10 2013

8553 2018-05-03 15:31 simrebel (user activity108) - Found it

Found 12/11/17 Simcoe Panorama Virtual - OU0ADA
Found 01/20/18 A Nofrills Cache - OU0AD2
Found 02/06/18 Camroo's First Moving Cache! - OU0B0C

Simcoe Panorama Virtual - OU0ADA Date Hidden: 01 December 2017

Camroo's First Moving Cache! - OU0B0C Date Hidden: 29 January 2018

Wellington Park - OU0B1B Date Hidden: 08 February 2018

7876 2017-03-24 21:24 TommyGator (user activity244) - Found it

Here are my qualifiers:   Hidden 12/05/2012   Hidden 01/11/2013   Hidden 02/22/2016

7010 2016-04-05 11:37 ithink314 (user activity276) - Found it

Here are my finds of Winter Hidden's:

M296 is Lost, but not Forgotten -, Date Hidden: 10 December 2008

As the above may not be OCNA-only, I'm adding the following, which should qualify, more or less:

Der Laputische Gruß ,
Versteckt am: 02. Dezember 2005
Gelistet seit: 02. Dezember 2005

webcam cache (mystery) - , Date Hidden: 23 January 2011

That's the Spirit! - , Date Hidden: 10 February 2013

(Don't know what's fubar with formatting, but... plain text this time)

7005 2016-04-04 20:54 OC Team - OC Team comment

This Challenge requires caches be found that were HIDDEN in the specified months. Those incorrectly claiming a find on the cache have / will be contacted for alteration or removal of their find log.

A future Challenge cache will offer the FIND version of the Seasonal Cacher therefore this cache's requirements must remain unchanged.

Thank you for participating in the OCNA Challenges.  While we attempt to monitor logs on OCNAChallenges, not all are verified as we tend to trust that the participant has attempted to honor the rules of each one.

7002 2016-04-03 13:36 ithink314 (user activity276) - Note

I usually practice "asking for forgiveness is better than asking for permission," but am making an exception this time, and asking for "clarification." Cool I was about to log a find for this using found dates, but read the description again and it clearly says hidden... however, it seems that 2 of 3 previous finders used found dates, and 1 of 3 used hidden dates. Could the description of this challenge be modified to say hidden or found in months of Dec-Feb?

6868 2016-01-22 16:36 TermiteHunter (user activity242) - Found it

Going back through these to see what I can log for both the Challenge and a local contest at the GCGC

Guess this will be my 100th find on OCNA

12/2/10 and now for something completely disorganized OU01A5

1/8/11 MAGC Ammo Can Roll Call OU0227

2/2//12 Playball OU03D6

6790 2015-11-22 20:38 DudleyGrunt (user activity634) - Found it

Proud to say that I completed this challenge during the first winter of OCNA.
DEC - 12/11/10 - Off The Grid in Suburbia - http://coord/ch/OU00BE 
JAN - 1/17/11 - Take a Walk at the Zoo - http://coord/ch/OU0150
FEB - 2/18/11 - OCUS - Semi-Anniversary Event - Laurel, MD - http://coord/ch/OU0244
Happy Trails!

Proud to say that I completed this challenge during the first winter of OCNA.

DEC - 12/11/10 - Off The Grid in Suburbia - http://coord/ch/OU00BE 

JAN - 1/17/11 - Take a Walk at the Zoo - http://coord/ch/OU0150

FEB - 2/18/11 - OCUS - Semi-Anniversary Event - Laurel, MD - http://coord/ch/OU0244

Happy Trails!


OCNA # 387
All Geocaches # 5508
All Geo-games # 21240