2011-12-17 12:40
- Found it
This was a neat multi that took me just into both counties. I'm glad I had someone with a smartphone so I could get the 1st stage completed. Signed log. Cache is in good condition. There was another family down here checking out the river.
2011-05-07 11:00
- Found it
I found the information needed at WP1 but had to use PAF to get to WP2. A quick find at WP2. This is a great area for a cache. SL. TFTC.
2011-01-08 03:11
- Found it
This was a good multi. Did not even have to get out of the car for stage 1. I was able to use my phone to input the gathered info to retrieve the final coordinates. Found the final in good shape. SL TFTC
2010-12-27 12:02
- Found it
Found Stage-1 when we were here in October but didn't manage to have the web page with us. Took the info back to Ohio where I finished the multi and found the final today. The final was just a bit different from what I expected, but found it readily. A couple of muggles were fishing off in the distance, but I'm pretty sure they were very occupied with their gear to notice anything I was doing. According to some of my friends who used to be stationed at Bryan AFB, the bridge that you can see from Stage 1 (or its predecessor) was probably what they called "Whiskey Bridge," a name that came from the days when Brazos County was "dry," but Burleson County wasn't, or so I'm told. Thanks for bringing me here!