Log entries John White Game Farm
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2017-05-22 20:59
OC Team
- OC Team comment
2013-05-18 02:36
- Found it
Looks like someone else who has logged this cache on this site didn't like it being cross listed here, and deleted their log. Of course only I can see that as an admin for this site. I, however, will log it here, since I haven't used that other Geocaching site in years. Copied and pasted as follows:
Was rather shocked
after finding the Basom Plot that this cache sat about 1/2 mile away.
Out here, really? Do I move the car? Of course I did. So I find the
place, and the parking. There's actually a sign out at the road that
says "retreiver training" is going on today. I figured I might be shot
at, but I found out later it was just dog training and no shots were
going to be fired. The trail is quite overgrown, even here in Spring,
and I'll bet it's [b]really[/b] overgrown in the summer. I lost the
trail, and actually bushwhacked the last 350 feet or so. Don't tell the
WMA people.
I eventually got there, and found the cache. What an excellent hiding
spot for that size cache! By the way, it was pretty wet and muddy on
the way there. But it was about a 60 degree morning, and the bugs
weren't too bad. So I actually do find the blue trail back out, but it
takes me about 700 feet from where I parked. I'm walking up the road,
and I have a classic Geocaching moment. There's a 40 something lady
squatting down relieving herself on the side of her Subaru on the side
of the "road" in the WMA. I say "sorry, just passing through; don't
worry, I'm not looking". I waited for her to, uh, finish, and walked by
and told her about Geocaching, and how the guy who hid the cache had
permission from the State and everything. She is the one, by the way,
who told me it was just dog training, and no shots were being fired this
day. Gotta love Geocaching,eh? TFTC. Favorites point, by the way, great