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 Log entries Wet Paint    {{found}} 14x {{not_found}} 7x {{log_note}} 2x  

9211 2020-05-01 00:00 OC Team - OC Team comment

Cache of week Hello therapaint!

I'm pleased to inform you that your cache became: Cache of the week


OC Team

7992 2017-05-29 19:28 lutzie86 (user activity28) - Found it

Found for the GCGC relay a minute before the sky opened up. When I arrived at GZ, I had a bunch of ideas as to where the cache might be. But after searching them over and over I almost gave up and PAF'd. But just before I dialed I noticed something that gave me another approach to my search and lo and behold a minute or so later I had the container in my hand. TFTC TP!! Was a good one!! 8)

7337 2016-06-04 13:58 rvstauff (user activity83) - Found it

This was definitely a tricky one. It was great seeing the elusive Therapaint at the event today!<br /> <br /> I would like to say I found the cache, but I happily took the kiwi handoff form a note skilled cacher than myself!<br /> <br /> I am glad to see this cache is alive and well.

7336 2016-06-04 13:40 recommendation GoinPostNet (user activity208) - Found it

While attending the World Wide Flash Mob event nearby a few of us decided to look for this lonely cache after a couple cachers, as well as the CO, came over and said that the cache is indeed still there. The CO accompanied us so he could have a laugh or two watching all of us looking for his nicely hidden cache. Thanks for the fun hide...glad to be able to avenge my DNF last year!

7342 2016-06-04 13:36 ithink314 (user activity276) - Didn't find it

Apparently this is much harder without the co.:PI gave it a good 15 minutes or so without luck. That&#039;s what i get for not sticking with the group... I know it&#039;s there, just not where.<br /> <br /> ☢ <br /> <br /> ### **Thanks, therapaint, for setting this up!** ###<br /> <br /> <br /> +/- 2665 @ June 4, 2016 14:14.<br /> <br /> ---

7335 2016-06-04 13:15 gbmcache (user activity39) - Found it

In the fine company of therapaint at the WWFM XIII flash mob I was able to be presented with a dry and well preserved log to sign. The cache has not been found since 2014 and is in good condition. I will say that I surely would have taken longer to find the cache had not the CO been present.

7333 2016-06-04 12:35 QueensGrantMusic (user activity104) - Found it

Finally found with the help of the CO

6154 2015-08-03 12:58 GoinPostNet (user activity208) - Didn't find it

No luck with this one today. It was pretty hot out so I didn't spend more than 5 minutes looking. I may return...hopefully someone finds it before then so I'll know it's still here!

5282 2014-08-31 10:45 sfcchaz (user activity406) - Didn't find it

DudleyGrunt and I came down to North Carolina to seek some OCNA caches. They are many, many OCNA caches in the Charlotte area and we wanted to seek them during the current contest going on the OCNA site.

Today I found 45 OCNA cahes, 5 Groundspeak caches, 1 cache , 1 cache and several possible locationless caches.

Unfortunately this was one of the DNFs. I searched for this one for about 20 minutes. I checked several of the items several times. I really think this one might be MIA.

4719 2014-05-18 04:15 QueensGrantMusic (user activity104) - Note

I was searching in the dark so this was probably harder than it was supposed to be. I will try again another time.

4651 2014-05-11 19:18 FailedApparatus (user activity59) - Found it

I must have looked right at the cache twice!  I got to the 8th or 9th place I looked before I folded and called a PAF.  They told me to switch to othe otherside and I quickly asked them if it was what I had looked at and they confirmed. Great hide, TP!


Thanks for the cache!

4636 2014-05-10 03:41 CCG99 (user activity26) - Found it

This was a very cool hide.  Sometimes I wonder how anyone can find these things!

4632 2014-05-10 03:20 Mrs. HB31 (user activity77) - Found it

That was a tricky little hide!  Don't think we would have found it without the youngest member of our group.  Thanks!

4631 2014-05-10 03:16 HB31 (user activity100) - Found it

After DNFing this by myself earlier in the week, I decided to come back today with the crew.  I must have searched for 15 minutes  - of course the younger HB31 found it within seconds of arriving.  And of course we didn't notice the new virtual cache very nearby until after returning home.  Excellent hide and all is still in great shape.  TFTC!

4597 2014-05-08 07:49 HB31 (user activity100) - Didn't find it

Not having much luck with these old ones this morning.  Its a great morning to be out on the trail regardless!

2944 2012-07-22 03:47 DudleyGrunt (user activity634) - Note

Unfortunately, you can't rate thru the OC for Android app, I'm posting a note, in order to rate it.

2931 2012-07-21 14:11 DudleyGrunt (user activity634) - Found it

3465. Nice! 1st I looked after thinking about it for a few minutes.<br /> <br /> After leaving, I went to Walgreens to get a replacement mini-Sharpie. I carry one in my pocket knife holster, but it has recently been pretty much dry. Then I went to Open Target, where I noticed I didn't have my 62st.<br /> <br /> I "raced" back here to look for it. It was sitting right where I'd sat and signed the log. Whew!<br /> <br /> Thanks and Happy Trails!

2556 2012-05-26 21:01 stargatekrewe (user activity132) - Found it

Well since their are two water sources, we came back armed with a minor hint this time. Ah success, we avenged our DNF this time. Famers market was really kicking at this time and a train went by which really added to all the excitement of this cache. Also came prepared with a camera to take a few shots of the nearby horsehead. Thanks for bringing us here therapaint. Caching with the geohound.


2492 2012-05-12 13:13 stargatekrewe (user activity132) - Didn't find it

Our first OC DNF. As another has said, looked in 6 or 7 spots and came up empty.

There are two water sources, so not sure what to start exactly. Will need a hint for this one. Wish we had 7 pairs of eyes on a therapaint hide like foxult had! lol


2434 2012-04-29 19:54 hamfolk (user activity10) - Didn't find it

Well shucks. This was our last stop of the day and no joy. We did our usual Sunday morning thing and stopped off at our favorite bagel shop after finishing our day's searching. Mrs hamfolk got an idea while we were there so we went back to the site. So actually we had two DNF's for this one. We'll be back.

909 2011-03-15 15:42 foxult (user activity11) - Found it

Went by with the Geocaching Club from school, so there were 7 of us looking to avenge my DNF.  It definitely helped to have more people searching because we were able to locate it within 5 minutes in about the 5th or 6th place we looked


TFTC!  and the opportunity to introduce the Club to Opencaching.

661 2011-01-01 22:52 david2400nc (user activity7) - Found it

2TF, woo hoo!

It was found after looking in the third area, as predicted.

I like the container and I like the hiding spot.

Happy New Year and TFTC!

BTW, the sculpture is cool.

562 2010-12-15 22:57 foxult (user activity11) - Didn't find it

FTDNF, BABY!  Will have to try again sometime.

557 2010-12-15 14:53 TermiteHunter (user activity242) - Found it

FTF BABY...but then there is not that much competition right now.

Recieved the usual garbbled notification message but the title told me there was a new cache listing so I logged in and checked the neighborhood for the new Paint. Took my time this am and arrived sometime around 9:30, plenty of time for the competition to have stopped by so I was not so sure I would be first.

Approaching the site I couldn't find the expected fountain but the sound of splashing was very present.  The Axim pointed directly to the source of the running water. I stood there a minute then took a seat and stared at it. Thinking that would not be the best location for an unsecured cache I looked for some sort of attachment but found none. There is another spot for a cache here but that would be in danger of disturbance.  Stood up and looked back to survey the area and there was a possible spot.  Check that, there WAS the spot. Grabbed the cache, open it up and find the blank log. Corrected that flaw in the cache and left to log the find online. 

Thanks for OC#3.  Only 7 more needed for recommendation authority.  Keep em comin'