2019-10-01 00:00
OC Team
- OC Team comment
Hello PZ Dude!
I'm pleased to inform you that your cache became: Cache of the week
OC Team
2015-11-02 14:37
- Found it
This is more like a 6 in one cache to me, but I really enjoyed finding this very original cache. This is one of my favorites. The new entrance is really nice. It was odd how busy it was yesterday in the early afternoon. Some man washing his windows in the parking area for the cache and plenty of maintenance workers doing their thing. I paid not too much mind to them, parked the Harley, and made my way to the prize. Once I got to the cache sight, I finally figured this one out. The part I didn't figure out is why it took me so long to get it. It's been there since 2010, but maybe that's a good thing with it's 4-in-1ness (or 6-in-1ness to me). TFTC \m/
2015-05-03 13:24
- Found it
A very late log but I just have atarted exploring OC and I have previous logged this one on geocaching.com.
Love the combo cache. Great Idea
2012-08-15 16:38
- Found it
So I had one heck of a time finding this park. Finding the actual parking location was much worse than actually finding the cache. I guess it doesn't help that my car GPSr hasn't had a map update in about 4 years but holy smokes that was a pain in the butt. Then, when I get to the park it dawns on me that I used to play baseball in this park back in the day. And I remembered going behind a car dealership - go figure.
Anyway, I like the idea of this cache and did the same thing Mr. Yuck did - I signed all of them but the garmin one since I have accounts with all of them.
SL, OCUS find #10.
2012-06-24 01:06
- Found it
Fine job! I'm a huge supporter of this website. And now I can talk about the cache, which you can't do so much at Geocaching.com. I signed all the logbooks, except of course for the Garmin site, as I frankly despise them for cluelessly using the Opencaching name. I will also eventually log at Navicache, where my name is White Urkel, and Atlas Quest, where my name is Signal Core (a play on the U.S. Army Signal Corps). I am also Mr. Yuck at Terracaching.com. In case you didn't know, people are just opening any random logbook and signing them, there are dozens of signatures on the Opencaching.us and Terracaching logbooks, for example. The Geocheckpoint is cool too, I'll be logging that also. TFTC!!
2011-06-27 13:46
- Found it

I loved the 4 in 1.
2011-05-10 03:10
- Found it
Interesting idea for a cache. Came prepared and found the GZ pleasantly quiet. Took my time and made a few notes in the process, then grabbed a bonus too. TTTTFFFFTTTTCCCC!
2011-05-05 13:46
- Found it
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Guess you have to enter as text. try #6 in trying to get this log to enter.<br />
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Big crowd over here tonight coming in for the ball game. I realized just in time the reason they didn't cut that stretch of grass is because it is still very wet. I was just about to take a step when I noticed the water. I was able to jump the stream hidden in the grass and quickly made my way to gz. And took the drier way back to the car. TFTC
2011-01-22 12:26
- Found it
Catching up one a couple OC logs - we found this one in Janurary and it was typical cold and windy Ohio. Thanks for the very unique hide!
2010-12-28 06:44
- Found it
I'm being in-CREDI-lame but....I'm copying and pasting the log among the sites:
I don't care if I have FTF on this or not on the geocaching part of the 4. I could care less since this is a unique cache in itself.
I found this after my dentist appointment en route to Centerville to finish the library series!!!!!
Anyway, I have not been to this park since doing Blue Paint (FOREVER ago!!!!) so thanks for the reason to return. I signed 3 of the 4 logs. TFTC!
2010-12-17 12:46
- Found it
FTF at 1315, 17 December 2010. <br />
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I saw this one pop-up at work and figured, due to the closeness in proximity to the Air Force Base (essentially across the fence line), I had time to drive to GZ, make the grab, and drive back to work all within one hour.<br />
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Just as I was approaching the turn off for the park, a van full of Wright-Patterson AFB's finest were nearby in a van. I did not let this deter me since I knew I was on public property. As I approached the entrance to the park, it was difficult to distinguish between the roadway and the grass since there was several inches of snow on the ground. Therefore, I decided to park my vehicle and make the .5 mi hike through the snow to GZ. <br />
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Upon arriving at GZ, my GPS device bounced around a bit, leading me astray on at least two occasions. It finally started cooperating and let me to within 6 feet of the cache. The rest of the hunt was completed with pure instinct.<br />
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By the time I found the cache, I had about 30 minutes to get the log signed, back track to my car and get back to work. No time to spare. Most likely due to the excitement of finding "utter blankness" on the log sheet, I left my GPS unit lying in the snow and headed back to my car. About half way back, I realized I didn't have it and had to retrace my steps back to GZ. By then I was running out of time. <br />
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I huffed and puffed my way back to my car and barely made it back to work in time.<br />
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If you approach the park via Pierce Drive, it's possible to arrive within 500 feet of GZ, but you'll have to hike the rest of the way. <br />
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This is an awesome geocache! Thanks for bringing me here. #7 for OCUS and first OCUS geocache find in SW Ohio.<br />
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