Log entries Chickadee 4x 0x 0x
2021-05-16 15:14 OC Team - OC Team comment
A request to transfer ownership of this cache to from WingedWolfPsion to Jimmy63 has been received. This request will be processed shortly. Thank-you for your patience. Please contact the OCNA Admin Team if there are any questions or concerns with this action - octeam@opencaching.us
2021-05-02 01:03 Jimmy63 (2) - Found it
2021-05-01 19:00 The Geocats (6) - Found it
We are new to Opencaching (joined for Jimmy63's b-day) & finally discovered why he had other names on this, his adopted cache. SL several years ago as J&LA, but now it's official here as well as on geocaching.com TFTC #1
2019-05-07 21:46 Overcast88 (1) - Found it
2019-05-07 21:36 NebraskaFoxes (1) - Found it