Log entries MAGC 5th Anniversary Celebration 2x 3x 1x
2011-06-05 21:52 cycleangela (149) - Attended
2011-06-05 11:00 sfcchaz (406) - Attended
This was a great event put on by the MAGC. I would like to thank MotherWoldf and DudleyGrunt for all their hard work in preparing for this event and all the new caches at it
We all had a great time and enjoyed caching together. It was also very nice to see Falcon Loader and family out at this event as well.
See everyoe out on the trails. TFTEC
2011-06-05 02:14 DudleyGrunt (634) - Note
2011-05-29 11:01 sfcchaz (406) - Will attend
2011-03-24 13:51 DudleyGrunt (634) - Will attend
Of course, I'll be there, but I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank Mother Wolf for her assistance in getting this event together. It's been a team effort and will continue to be so.
I intend to place a couple of OCUS hides for the day of the event, as well.
2011-03-23 22:33 Mother Wolf (12) - Will attend