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 Log entries Erie Canal Museum - Lockport, N.Y.    {{found}} 9x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 8x Photo 11x Gallery   Show deletions Show deletions

6924 2016-03-04 14:11 Mr.Yuck (user activity229) - Note

This is basically a test log, since we have just moved to a new web hosting company, but also a reminder the museum is closed for the winter. Nice to see a recent find log, the first one in a couple years.

6769 2015-11-17 17:52 Fireice production (user activity2) - Found it

The team from fire and ice production was here

2824 2012-07-13 13:30 DudleyGrunt (user activity634) - Found it

3408.  Enjoyed my visit to the locks and even got to see on open and the tourist boat go thru.  Had the museum to myself at first.  Got pic of GPS with the guest book and a shot of myself on the donkey.

Lots of stairs!

Thanks and Happy Trails!

Pictures for this log entry:
Guest Book
Guest Book
Low Bridge
Low Bridge

2207 2012-03-20 17:26 Mr.Yuck (user activity229) - Ready to be found

Cache ready to search. That's a canned comment. I'm going to go ahead and enable this thing. If anyone goes there and finds it closed, you can yell at me then. Even if you did, I'd accept a picture in front of the place. OCNA is not like the caching olympics or anything. :)

1553 2011-09-07 01:46 sfcchaz (user activity406) - Found it

We are in this area on a mini vacation at Niagara Falls. Of course with vacation comes caching. This was the sixth of nine OCUS caches today in the area. Wow, would have never seen this if not for opencaching. As a matter of fact I drove passed it twice. Thanks for showing it to me. TFTC
Pictures for this log entry:
sfcchaz in Guest Book.
sfcchaz in Guest Book.
sfcchaz riding the donkey ;).
sfcchaz riding the donkey ;).

1448 2011-08-20 06:30 Rayman (user activity93) - Found it

This was actualy quite the busy place today. No sooner did I walk in and about 6 people walked in behind me. And of course they took their sweet time checking out all the exhibits. I didn't want to look like the usual whacko by taking a picture of the guest book. Eventually they all left and I finally got to take the picture. Love coming up to the locks just to watch boats go through, but I've never been in this little museum before. Liked looking at the old pictures moreso than the equipment. Thanks for bringing me to this neat little museum.
Pictures for this log entry:
Rayman's Entry
Rayman's Entry

1478 2011-08-07 13:13 Cayuga Crew (user activity80) - Found it

I know I know its been a while since I committed to making the trek north to Lockport in exchange for a photo of the ass's petoot. Pictures up and I was hoofing to the canal to honor the pledge but we really need to talk about all them stairs. Anyhow I was up in the area looking for what appears to be a cache of another color, most likely invisible, and I made the stop here to visit the museum.
Pictures for this log entry:
signing in
signing in

1364 2011-07-30 17:44 Borst68 (user activity61) - Found it

Figured this would be easier to log than the webcam since log books don't break.  It wasn't full so I signed in and looked around a bit.  Nice sunny day for a walk on the canal.   
Pictures for this log entry:
Borst log
Borst log

1292 2011-07-05 00:41 Sabrefan7 (user activity89) - Found it

We had a picnic/birthday party today were the in laws were camping. I figured I might as well knock out 3 of the Lockport caches since we were going to be so close. Drove over after the first attempt at the web cam cache. The locks were very busy today. A medium size pleasure craft had just gone through. There was a tour group being escorted through the area too. They looked like they were from the NYC area (just my guess as most of  the men were wearing  yarmulkes) I took a quick walk down to GZ as I did not want to be in there with 30 people. Took my pic in the book then Mrs SF7 took my pic at the cut out. We took a nice strol around looking at the locks after. I asked Mrs SF7 is she liked this type of Geocaching,,, NO was the quick answer. But she did relent and tell me it was OK because there were no bugs. Tongue out OH well what ya gonna do,,,,, Thanks buddy for another fist cache type find . SF7
Pictures for this log entry:
money shot
money shot

1216 2011-06-17 08:22 Cayuga Crew (user activity80) - Note

Intersting.  Quite tht resemblence to Juan Yuckdez, purveyour of fime Columbian coffee.

1208 2011-06-16 03:18 Mr.Yuck (user activity229) - Note

OK, two requests, so the Yuck on Ass pic is back. I figured I would have got them right away, not a couple weeks later, but what can you do?

1205 2011-06-15 09:04 Cayuga Crew (user activity80) - Note

5 no wait now 6 notes and 1 find officially make this one of the most popular and active caches listed on  You should be proud and post that photo dammit. Hell if you don't believe me just look at OU02B9 and check the action there.  If you post that photo prominantly I promise that the next time I am in Lockport with absolutely nothing better to do and I find the museum open I will endeavor to find that damn  log book and complete all the requirements neccessary to log this cache as found contingent of course on the amount of stairs I would have to descend and ascend before and after finding the cache because frankly I am not that fond of stairs and I'm not certain a non physical cache find is worth more that 3 or 4 steps up or down.

1195 2011-06-12 02:37 Cayuga Crew (user activity80) - Note

Put the picture back onto the cache description page and Iwill become inspired enough to go find it!

1203 2011-06-11 17:57 Inkwell (user activity4) - Found it

We had to check on our cache up at the top, which we couldn't even find, so archived it (I hate nanos).  I of course could not resist dropping in on the museum and logging this cache.  I love this area and have been to the museum several times.  It was ice to see so many people in the area really enjoying the view and watching a boat go through the lock.  Thanks for setting this up Mr. Yuck...and yes, I think the picture should be put back o the page. 

1145 2011-06-01 22:05 Mr.Yuck (user activity229) - Note

I actually decided that picture of me on an ass in the middle of the cache page was rather disturbing and awkward. You know, like a Michael Scott moment on "The Office" or something. So I attached it to the first log entry for the cache instead. Unless I get over run by emails telling me to put it back or something. Wink

1144 2011-06-01 20:23 Sabrefan7 (user activity89) - Note

I believe the Tow Path was powered by mules. One can guess as to the jokes about mules and Ass's Laughing

1143 2011-06-01 18:54 Atmospherium (user activity36) - Found it

In all the times I've stopped to look at the locks and watch boats go through, I've never stepped into this museum. It looks a bit neglected, but the photographs and other artifacts are well-worth taking a glance at.

Thanks for bringing me back to the canal on this sunny, windy day!


Edited to add that I signed the book: "RSW, Atmospherium, Appleton, NY"

Pictures for this log entry:
Erie Canal Museum
Erie Canal Museum

1141 2011-06-01 03:24 Mr.Yuck (user activity229) - Note

I was actually going to submit a downtown Lockport Webcam cache, and I just stumbled on this idea while there. The Lockport Webcam started acting up the day I was there, and still is, as of the time this cache was submitted. If you don't live close to Lockport, I'd suggest waiting, as I have coordinates for where to stand for the webcam, and could let it rip the second they get it working properly again.
Pictures for this log entry:
Yuck on ass
Yuck on ass