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 Log entries Genesee County Park #3 Green Forestry Trail    {{found}} 11x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 4x Photo 1x Gallery  

9277 2020-06-01 00:00 OC Team - OC Team comment

Cache of week Hello Sabrefan7!

I'm pleased to inform you that your cache became: Cache of the week


OC Team

6827 2015-12-11 21:03 Sabrefan7 (user activity89) - Note

I too am surprised at how many names are in the logbook. Its nice to see though! Took a great walk on a 60 degree December day. Did some cache maintenance and found a letterbox. It was nice to get out into the woods again after being on the DL for so long. Laughing

6721 2015-11-02 03:24 Mr.Yuck (user activity229) - Found it

I came here after finding Harmonic Convergence in Leroy. Then at the intersection of 19 and 20, I took the wrong off ramp, and ended up going East instead of West. So I turned around in the parking lot of a bar, and decided I should have a beer there. It was a very nice place, very clean! So then I made my way to Genesee County Park, and this cache. I parked at the Vietnam veterans memorial, and I couldn't get any closer to the cache in November with many of the roads closed. I had done my research, and knew I could get to the cache from that parking area. Found the proper trail to it with little difficulty. Once on site, I found it surpisngly quckly. Are they like pimping this cache at the park HQ? Because there are a lot of unlogged on here finders. Bon Echo isn't even the last finder, Snowman257, whom I've heard of on, but have never met, was the last finder, about a week after Bon Echo in August. I left my phone (camera) in the car, but I had to have a DudleyGrunt wooden Nickel! I left a dollar for it. Awesone location in the woods, thanks for the cache!
Pictures for this log entry:
My awesome DudleyGrunt swag :-)
My awesome DudleyGrunt swag :-)

6305 2015-08-16 14:24 recommendation Bon Echo (user activity216) - Found it

Headed south of the border again this weekend (well, actually a lot more east and just a bit south) but this time it was adults only, no kids (first time in 8 years that we've been able to say that). We traveled to the Finger Lakes area to enjoy a romantic anniversary weekend - by romantic, I mean stopping to find caches, garage sales, thrift shops, driving secondary highways, stuff like that.

After visiting the virtual , we took the long way around on the Forestry Trail to get to this one. That's what I get for not having the trail map. I have to say that this cache is in amazing condition for not being found in 3 years, although the tree that is hiding the cache is slowly sinking it down into the ground and it took a little digging and a bit of tugging to extract the cache. A nicely stocked ammo can full of new swag, now that is a rare find! We had nothing to trade and so we traded nothing. Didn't realize this cache is supposed to have a GeoKret, didn't notice it but might have overlooked it. ps I think I signed the log book as 15-aug-15 but it was definitely the 16th when we visited. Not that it matter much.

In the end, we found 6 OCNA caches (and dnf'd two), also visited the oldest geocache in the state and picked up two other caches plus a few qualifiers for some TerraCaching locationless caches. A good weekend all around. ThanksĀ Sabrefan7 for supplying 5 of the 6 OCNA caches that we found this weekend.

Bon Echo @ OU02B7

4854 2014-06-09 00:51 Mr.Yuck (user activity229) - Note

I suppose I won't log DNF. I found myself within about 330 feet of it, but I supsect I was on the wrong trail, and I was already on the way back to the car, after hearing my kid wanted to be picked up from Darien Lake earlier than I expected. I shall return. Maybe from that trail, or I'll see which one I'm actually supposed to be on. Tongue out

3755 2013-03-10 00:00 Sabrefan7 (user activity89) - Note

testing out the smart phone app got me with in 12ft cache frozen in place <br/>----------------------------------------------<br/>Logged from my android phone using columbus

3117 2012-08-11 15:50 Rayman (user activity93) - Found it

For some reason, this cache doesn't show up on the OCUS map. Glad I checked 'all nearby caches' instead of just going by what was on the map. The good thing about having to come back to the virtual nearby is that I realized the trail continues on towards this one, although I did take the wrong fork. I quickly realized my mistake and headed on the correct trail towards the cache. Once again I was worried about the accuracy of my coords attained from the OCUS app, but after about 5 minutes of stumbling around I made the nicely hidden find. Everything still in good shape, TFTC.

9969 2011-10-23 01:28 hiker charlie (user activity12) - Found it

Found previous. Just linked OCus to cgeo

1645 2011-09-24 12:30 authorized users (user activity10) - Note

We re-visited this cache today with some of the GCC Outdoor Adventure Club students (E is a co-advisor of the club), while hiking in the park.  Had the students find this and they did a good job!  SL, TNLN.  The cache is in pristine condition! :)

1369 2011-07-31 19:18 authorized users (user activity10) - Found it

Today was our 1 year geocaching anniversary!!  We went to Genesee County Park to finish up a multi that we started back in January 2011.  We started late in the day, so we didn't have much time to grab every cache in this series, but we are glad to have gotten the one!   Our GPSr sent us all over the place by the time we got near GZ.  E went searching, while B kept re-walking the coords.  The GPSr finally settled on a GZ, so B went walking in and E started towards him to help.  B walked right past it, as E proclaimed "Found it!"  A very nice camo job!  That must've taken some time!!  The cache was wet on the outside, but nice and dry on the inside!!  Very impressive trade items that were available to us... OMG - a word search book - E's FAVORITE!!  Traded snowflake earrings for the word search book.  Took pathtag, which we may move along or keep to start our collection, since we now know a little about pathtags. Wink  Overall, an excellent cache and a great bike ride... though the tree roots were a little troublesome for our type of bikes (recumbent).  OCUS #3 for us! 

1334 2011-07-16 11:45 recommendation Borst68 (user activity61) - Found it

This was my favorite trail in the park.  I love the pine forests and the soft pine needle strewn trail.  I really enjoyed myself in the park today.  thanks for getting some caches in this great park.  TFTC!

1305 2011-07-09 19:14 Barbershopdru (user activity12) - Found it

Well, of course I still do not think about Open Caching so much yet, but my long time friend Berkmom pointed out coords in the 'other' cache here, so I was able to find this one at least!  She of course knew right where to park and which way to turn on the trails!  Wonderful to be back here again after many years away.  Thanks for bringing me here.  Won't Urkel (cacher never to be known as Mr Yuck)be proud of me???? Once again a perfect hiding spot! And another Open found!

We lingered awhile to continue our chat, but I really wanted to get home before dark

Oh, by the way, she has seen owls and blue birds and many other wonderful critters in this park.  And the squirrels here are different then at home...and they are huge!

1296 2011-06-30 01:00 JuniorNimrod (user activity12) - Found it

Found with DudleyGrunt on the way to Niagara Falls, prior to going to GeoWoodstock.  I wasn't expecting such a "long" walk.  Thanks, though.

1262 2011-06-30 00:00 DudleyGrunt (user activity634) - Found it

2763.  First find after arriving in Western NY, on the way to Niagra Falls before GeoWoodsock IX.  Enjoyed the walk, but since were were looking the do more caching along the way to NF, I probably should have chosen the "park closer" option.  Still, it was nice to stretch the legs after being in the car for 6 hours or so.

JuniorNimrod took a plastic slinky and I left a couple wooden nickels and one of my Pathtags.  Guess I need to have him set up an account for OCUS, now.  More likely, I'll probably do it.

I didn't notice the GK. 

Thanks and Happy Trails!

1149 2011-06-03 14:30 Cayuga Crew (user activity80) - Found it

I been sort of sitting back waiting for a FTF log to get posted here but since its been a few hours since I made the visit I thought I would post a quick found it log.  The entire story will have to wait for another day as I am heading into work momentarliy.   Suffice to say I enjoyed my time in the park today and look fowward to return for a more liesurely visit soon.

1163 2011-06-03 03:08 sno_man (user activity2) - Found it

I'll start by saying I am brand-spanking new to OCUS, although I have been geocaching for several years now.  I got the FTF on the Red Trail cache, and I noticed coordinates inside the log book.  I wasn't expecting to see coordinates, so I checked them against the Red Trail cache - nope.  Then against the Blue Trail cache - nope.  Hmmmmm.  Headed over to the Blue Trail cache, got second there.  I almost left the park at that point, because I was burning my lunch hour, but I decided to head over here instead, and got the FTF here as well.  Thanks saberfan7 for the excellent hikes in the forest today.  I had a great time.