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 Log entries Country Corner    {{found}} 5x {{not_found}} 1x {{log_note}} 0x  

3863 2013-05-07 17:14 grizbeer (user activity1) - Found it

After finding this today for my geocache account I checked to see if it was on Opencaching, because there was a name already on the log. This will mark my first Opencache find ever. Thanks....

3861 2013-05-07 09:10 phantom_309 (user activity59) - Found it

Well, if that ain't country, you can kiss my cache! Laughing! This cache posted on Geo Caching, so we had to find it. Open Caching is a second hobby to me so I sometimes miss the second smile on these, but, not today.  Nice Hide! Thanks flower71 for the cache. Left a compass rose in the cache.

3530 2012-10-19 12:30 TommyGator (user activity244) - Found it

Came back today and redeemed my prior DNF---easy find this time!  TFTC!

2216 2012-03-22 18:00 TommyGator (user activity244) - Didn't find it

No luck on this one for me today.  Looked around pretty thoroughly (did not wade through the weeds, though) and came up empty.

1893 2011-12-13 07:20 StAggie99 (user activity28) - Found it

FTF with my Mom on the way to school.

1892 2011-12-13 07:20 NativTxn (user activity177) - Found it

FTF at 7:20 am. I saw this post yesterday afternoon, but I had errands to run after work.  StAggie99 and I stopped by on the way to drop him off for school on this rather foggy morning and found the log still empty.  Good location and container.  I left a pathtag and filled in another hole in my caching calendar. Thanks for another local cache!