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Rebel Country - OU0097
Welcome To Rebel Country!
Proprietar: Sniperchicken
Autentifică-te pentru a putea vedea coordonatele.
Altitudine: m
 Zonă: Statele Unite ale Americii > Mississippi
Tip geocutie: Cameră web
Mărime: Fără cutie
Stare: Ready for Search
Data ascunderii: 2010-09-08
Data creării: 2010-09-08
Data publicării: 2010-09-08
Ultima modificare: 2010-09-08
0x găsit
1x negăsită
0 Comentarii
watchers 1 utilizatori care urmăresc această geocutie
349 vizitatori
0 x votat
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Descriere EN

This is a webcam cache site located on the campus of the University of Mississippi;The Ole Miss Rebels.

To access the webcam;go to to view the mugshot....err, i mean the camera view. You will need someone to save the image of you standing at the coords. Post that image with your log and you are done: ) 

Stand about halfway between the building and the double headed lightpost. Face the building and wave your GPS unit or something.

I will include a screenshot just so you can see where to stand.

Union Plaza sample photo
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