In 1888 The Buffalo Cyclorama company commisioned a French artist to paint a 400 foot canvas Of Niagara Falls. This canvas was to be displayed in Paris and London to showcase the wonder of the falls. It was such a success in Europe that the company decided to bring the idea home to Buffalo. They constructed the Cyclorama building to house and display giant canvases. First to be displayed was a piece titled “The Crucifixion of Christ." It was a great success, drawing over 1000 visitors per day. After a two year run it was followed by "The Battle of Gettysburg." But the world was changing and the crowds thinning. In 1910 the city acquired the building. Since then it has had many uses. It has been a roller rink, a livery and taxi garage, and an office building. From '42 – '63 it was home to the Grosvenor Library. After that it stood vacant until developer Frank Ciminelli purchased the property. After two years of battling over what changes could be made to the structure an agreement was reached and construction commenced ending in the office building you see today.