BITs are quick and simple. No pen required, no container to find. Just scan the QR code or use the URL to get to the cache page (You do not HAVE to have a smartphone for these type of caches). The password as listed on the BIT is CaSe-SeNsItIvE!
This BIT is on the bridge on the way into Snook from College Station. There should be plenty of room to pull off the road, but watch for traffic anyway, especially if children are with you. The area down by the bridge is a Wetlands area. It tends to flood during heavy rains, but the water doesn't come up to the BIT location. There are lots of swallows that build their mud nests on the sides of the bridge, so it can be a bustle of activity around here sometime.
Enjoy this quick smiley and welcome to the thriving metropolis of Snook, TX (Pop 568)!
Congrats to AgNav for the FTF.