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Nowak Pier No. 7 - OU0586
Part of Western NY's first BIT/Munzee mini-power trail
Owner: Mr.Yuck
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Altitude: m. ASL.
 Region: United States > New York
Cache type: Other type
Size: No container
Status: Ready for Search
Time required: 1:00 h    Distance to travel: n/a
Date hidden: 2012-09-04
Date created: 2012-09-04
Date published: 2012-09-04
Last modification: 2012-09-28
5x Found
0x Not found
1 notes
watchers 0 watchers
400 visitors
1 x rated
Rated as: n/a
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Cache attributes

Available in Winter  Listed on OCNA Only  BITcache  Password needed to post log entry! 

Please read the Opencaching attributes article.
Description EN

This BIT cache is along the Nowak Pier in Buffalo, NY, although it's more commonly known among the locals as the Bird Island Pier. But a plaque near the beginning identifies it as being named after Henry J. Nowak, who representated the Buffalo area in the House of Representatives from 1975-1993. Mr. Nowak is 77 years old, as of the date of this cache placement. 

This one has a very specific hint, seeing as it's pretty much below the Peace Bridge, and it messes with GPS signals. When I was replacing the original failed attachment method, which took a few minutes, my GPSr settled down to 16 feet. Use hint if needed.




The Nowak Pier extends about 2 miles, seperating The Niagara River from the Black Rock Canal. However, since August 2011, you can only venture as far as the bottom of the Peace Bridge, which connects Buffalo to Fort Erie Ontario. The pier has been deemed unsafe for pedestrians after this point. Personally, I don't believe it, and many fishermen go around the gate, but I'm not going to place any caches or Munzees beyond that point, which is about 1/2 mile one way walk from the start of the Pier.


So what you are going to find here is 7 BIT caches, and 7 Munzees, staggered, and placed slightly over 300 feet apart. The logging passwords for the BIT's contain random numbers, you'll probably want to write them down, or take a picture of them with your cell phone. You will also have the option to scan the QR code, and log them from the field, although I personally have not had much luck posting logs to OCNA with a mobile web browser, and they end up being blank. Your results may vary. Hints for all BIT's assume walking from the Parking area towards the bridge. Enjoy the walk, it is definitely a unique and scenic location.
Additional waypoints
Stage Symbol Type Coordinates Description
Parking area --- Turn off of Niagara Street onto Robert Rich Way to get on the Island. Park here in Broderick Park.
Additional hints
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Log entries: Found 5x Not found 0x Note 1x All entries