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Wysokość: m n.p.m.

USA > ?

Typ skrzynki:


Gotowa do szukania

Data ukrycia: 2010-09-12

Data utworzenia: 2010-09-13

Data opublikowania: 2010-09-13

Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 2021-04-26

1x znaleziona

0x nieznaleziona

0 komentarze
0 obserwatorów

349 odwiedzających

1 x oceniona

Oceniona jako:
Musisz się zalogować,
aby zobaczyć współrzędne oraz
mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
I took a trip to Frederick Maryland and came across a series of caches where the hider put the coords in Spanish. The challenge was you had to translate. So that gave me this idea. Below you will find the coords. The challenge is you need to figure out what language they are in and how to translate. Just so you know I do not speak any other language except English, so if I can figure out how to translate the English to -------- (Ahh, thought you tricked me into revealing! Didn't you!) then you can figure it out!
Here it is. trenta-sis zero uno tres-quaranta-dos vuitanta-sis trenta-quatre nou-trenta-tres
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