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From So. of the Keys - OU06CF
What seems to be, may not be, so be sharp. This is a great cache to hold coins or small travel bugs. Enjoy the hunt.
Owner: Yankabucs
Please log in to see the coordinates.
Altitude: m. ASL.
 Region: United States > Florida
Cache type: Traditional
Size: Small
Status: Ready for Search
Date hidden: 2012-10-10
Date created: 2013-10-10
Date published: 2013-10-10
Last modification: 2013-10-11
3x Found
0x Not found
0 notes
watchers 0 watchers
361 visitors
3 x rated
Rated as: Good
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Cache attributes

Kid Friendly  Stealth Required  Quick Cache  GeoHotel  Bring Your Own Pen 

Please read the Opencaching attributes article.
Description EN
Everyone has a story to tell about their cache location or some other inspiration that drove them to pick their location. Well my inspiration was that I was siting and enjoying a cuban sandwich (I grew up in Key West where cuban food was a staple). Every time I run across a new cuban restaurant I try it out. This place serves one of the BEST cuban sandwiches in the area. One day while my wife and I were sitting there, I noticed a spot outside and thought what a great spot to place a cache. I asked the owner if he knew about geocachng, which he did not, so I asked if I could come back late and tell him about it. Later I returned, told him what I know about the game and asked for his permission to install a cache there. Receiving permission I proceeded but found out there was another cache too close to this one to meet guidelines. OH crapola, This was my very first cache to hide and being sort of bull headed, I decided to ask our Reviewer if I could get an exemption to the saturation rule. Well the answer was a flat NO. So, following the rules of I decided to appeal the decision - NOPE, I was shot down. Next step in the rules is to post the situation on the GeoForum and get support from other members - NOPE, The majority of members support the decision I received, NO, but did offer some suggestions for resolution. One of the resolutions was to ask the cache owner of the other cache that was encroaching on and ask for their help. Possibly they would archive their cache and allow mine to be placed and published.

Well, thanks to a GREAT cache owner (YankaBucs), they helped me bring life to my new cache.

So, My inspiration was simply being hungry and having a cuban sandwich..
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