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Wysokość: m n.p.m.

USA > Texas

Typ skrzynki:


Gotowa do szukania

Data ukrycia: 2014-07-30

Data utworzenia: 2014-07-30

Data opublikowania: 2014-07-30

Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 2014-07-31

3x znaleziona

0x nieznaleziona

1 komentarze
0 obserwatorów

427 odwiedzających

0 x oceniona

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mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
This is a newly refurbished area in the center of Texas A&M campus. It is a great spot to sit and catch your breath and ponder (what? ... maybe ponder your next cache) for a bit. Alternatively, it is located by a nice resting spot where you can examine the contents of the geocache. It is also in a great spot for regular maintenance and filling of the cache with goodies. It is in a jean paul gautier perfume can. There is a geocoin inside for the ftf.
Congrats to psouth13 for FTF!
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