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Hope Chest - OU00EC
Shouldn't be too difficult. Might want to avoid on Sunday mornings. It's OK to utilize parking lot.
Proprietar: NativTxn
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Altitudine: m
 Zonă: Statele Unite ale Americii > Texas
Tip geocutie: Tradiţională
Mărime: Normală
Stare: Ready for Search
Data ascunderii: 2010-04-07
Data creării: 2010-10-07
Data publicării: 2010-10-07
Ultima modificare: 2011-09-06
9x găsit
0x negăsită
0 Comentarii
watchers 0 utilizatori care urmăresc această geocutie
465 vizitatori
5 x votat
Apreciată ca: bună
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Kid Friendly  Listed on OCNA Only  Bring Your Own Pen  Munzee 

Citeşte articolul despre atributele Opencaching.
Descriere EN

Rubbermaid container with adjustments to the appearance. It's large enough to hold 2 or 3 sandwiches stacked on top of each other (but please don't put any food in here). Contains logbook, pencil, swag and a special "First to Find" trackable coin for the first visitor. Kid friendly.

This is my first cache to stash and I'm placing it on my son's 11th birthday. Thanks for getting outdoors and I hope you enjoyed it. Please log and/or post where you are from and post a picture of you or your group. God bless the Seekers and the Finders!

Contains a Munzee

Please do NOT take any Trackable item if you don't plan to log them out of this cache and in to others. Thanks!

Congrats to drjinx for the FTF!

Placed by a member of

Brazos Valley Geocachers

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