There is nothing at the posted coordinates. At least nothing directly related to finding this hide. There is a light rail train station there, but going there won't help for this hide, unless you use the light rail to get to other hides. You don't even need a pen for this hide. You will need to do some finding of other hides, however.
This is a member created Challenge Cache. As such, it is an "Unknown" cache type. Similar to OCNAChallenges' Challenge Caches, there is no container, and nothing to sign, other than the online e-log. This hide is shown as a Very large size, but only because I had to pick something, and bigger is better.
Note: Finding this hide will also help you qualify for OCNAChallenges OU0940 and probably more.
To claim this find, find at least ONE of each of at least 12 different cache types, all within 31.4 miles of the posted coordinates for this challenge hide. List your 12 qualifying finds in your log.If you qualify, you can log it!
OCNA has 14 hide types. Hide types are described here:
Because the OCNAChallenges hides are posted much more than 31.4 miles from this hide, they will not qualify, sorry. This means you need to find all 12 of the other 13 types. Because there were no qualifying Letterbox hides when this hide was created, this means you will need to find all 12 of remaining 12 types. Unfortunately, there are precious few of a few of those types, but they are out there. Hopefully more will become available with time.
FYI, I created this hide for my last qualifying hide for OCNAChallenges' Variety Show Hider (Level 3), OU093E, which seems very symmetrical, or something.
Get busy, and good luck!