This a virtual cache that will take you to a Degree Confluence.What is a Degree Confluence you may ask?
In our case a degree confluence is the exact spot where an integer degree of latitude and an integer degree of longitude meet, such as the one I have listed here. Many times a confluence can be on privet property. This one will take you to a country road in the Town of Leroy NY. West Bergen Rd to be more specific. Please be aware of the area. The road is not to busy but you will have to stand in the road to be at the confluence. For safety sake DO NOT attempt this cache at night. The logging requirement is simple. You must post at least one picture of your GPSr showing the exact coordinates I have listed for the cache. For more information you can go to this web site.
Here is the picture I took when I visited the Degree Confluence. if your lucky a peaceful calming effect will over take you,, feel the vibes