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Sacred Ground - OU00DE
Pentagon Memorial
Właściciel: rob3k
Zaloguj się, by zobaczyć współrzędne.
Wysokość: m n.p.m.
 Województwo: USA > Virginia
Typ skrzynki: Wirtualna
Wielkość: Bez pojemnika
Status: Gotowa do szukania
Data ukrycia: 2010-09-29
Data utworzenia: 2010-09-29
Data opublikowania: 2010-09-29
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 2010-10-01
4x znaleziona
0x nieznaleziona
1 komentarze
watchers 1 obserwatorów
811 odwiedzających
3 x oceniona
Oceniona jako: znakomita
2 x rekomendowana
Skrzynka rekomendowana przez: DudleyGrunt, sfcchaz
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Opis EN

The Pentagon Memorial, located just southwest of The Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia, is a permanent outdoor memorial to the 184 victims killed in the building and on American Airlines Flight 77 in the September 11, 2001 attacks.

184 illuminated benches have been arranged according to the victim's ages, from 3 to 71, in a landscaped 1.93-acre plot. Each bench is engraved with the name of a victim. The benches representing the victims that were inside the Pentagon are arranged so those reading the names will face the Pentagon's south facade, where the plane hit; benches dedicated to victims aboard the plane are arranged so that those reading the engraved name will be facing skyward along the path the plane traveled.

Pentagon Memorial Victim Bench

The coordinates will bring you to a sign at the entrance of the memorial.  Logging this cache requires a codeword found by taking the first letter of each line of the first paragraph of the leftmost section of this sign.  For example, if the sign had a first paragraph of:


This monument is
dedicated to the victims
of the attack on
September 11, 2001


You would use TDOS as the codeword. The codeword is entered in all caps.


In addition, in order to log a find, you need to have physically visited this cache's location. In other words, please no armchair logging.


The Memorial is free and open to the public seven days a week and 24 hours a day. Groups and individuals are welcome in the Memorial each day but guided tours are not offered; the Memorial is meant to be experienced on a more personal level. See the offiicial website for directions and parking information.

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