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Stuart Hill Cemetery - OU05D9
Patuxent Research Refuge - North Tract
Besitzer: DudleyGrunt
Bitte logge dich ein, um die Koordinaten zu sehen.
Höhe: m ü. NHN
 Region: Vereinigte Staaten > Maryland
Cacheart: Virtueller Cache
Größe: Kein Behälter
Status: Kann gesucht werden
Versteckt am: 2013-01-22
Erstellt am: 2013-01-22
Veröffentlicht am: 2013-01-22
Zuletzt geändert am: 2020-06-08
2x gefunden
0x nicht gefunden
0 Bemerkungen
watchers 0 Beobachter
549 Aufrufe
1 x bewertet
Bewertet als: n/a
Um die Koordinaten und die
Cachekarte zu sehen,
musst du angemeldet sein.

Kid Friendly  Listed on OCNA Only  Quick Cache  Limited Hours  Zum Loggen wird ein Passwort benötigt! 

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Beschreibung EN

This historic cemetery is located at the former site Ellicott's Chapel (1840-1868) and Saint Peter's Parish Church (1869-1917).  From 1917 to 1919 the church building served as a chapel for the military reservation that would later become Fort George G. Meade.

Park at one of the trailheads for the Pine Trail and take the easy walk to the cemetery.  

NO BUSHWHACKING REQUIRED.  Bushwhacking can actually be dangerous in the North Tract area, since the possibility of unexploded ordinance is very real.

Logging Requirements: Visit the site in person.  Find the historic marker.  The Log Password will be the word that is in parentheses. Take and post a picture of you and / or your GPS at the cemetery, but please do not include the historic marker / password info in your photo.

North Tract Info -

The North Tract of Patuxent Research Refuge encompasses over 8,000 acres that were formerly a military training area. It is located off Route 198, just 1.4 miles east of the Baltimore/Washington Parkway. The land was transferred from the Department of Defense to the Refuge in 1991, and it is open for public use activities that are compatible with research and wildlife management objectives.

The Visitor Contact Station is located at the entrance to the North Tract facility. All visitors must check in at the Station and receive an access pass.

 There are approximately 20 miles of trails for hiking, bicycling, and horseback riding. There are also many opportunities to observe wildlife at North Tract.  BG&E has contributed to the creation of a wetland and Wildlife Viewing Area where visitors may see waterfowl, shorebirds, raptors, and songbirds in an area that was formerly an artillery testing range.

Map: 270 KB PDF file

Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Daily, Except Federal Holidays

Fees: There are NO entrance fees.

Public access to areas of the Patuxent Research Refuge North Tract will be restricted during hunting seasons in the interest of public safety. Restrictions do not apply to Sundays. 
Before visiting North Tract, please review schedule below or call 301.497.5770 for specific details.

Maryland & Refuge Hunting Seasons: 
(Sept.1 -Jan. 31)

Wildlife Loop only open to hiking, birdwatching, bicycling and auto tours..  
Fishing permitted in designated areas.
Additional restrictions below.

Muzzleloader Season:
(Oct. 18- Oct. 20 
& Dec.15-Dec.31)
Visitors may visit North Tract via vehicle only (no hiking)

Firearm (Shotgun) season: 
(Nov. 24-Dec.8; 
& Jan.4- Jan.5)

North Tract will be closed to all visitations

For more information, visit the Patuxent Research Refuge's North Tract website.

Please Note: I have since published additional virtuals on the South Tract / National Wildlife Visitor Center area (off Powder Mill Road) with the cooperation of Amy Shoop of the Patuxent Research Refuge.  I plan to get back to the North Tract and scout out more virtual-worthy spots.

Please provide input on your experience with the cache and during your visit, in general, in your log.  For additional information about the refuge and activities there, you may contact NWVC thru their Contact Page (South Tract).


Maryland Geocaching Society

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Zusätzliche Wegpunkte
Symbol Typ Koordinaten Beschreibung
Interessanter Ort --- Visitor Contact Station
Interessanter Ort --- Entrance - MD 198 & Bald Eagle Drive
Logeinträge: gefunden 2x nicht gefunden 0x Bemerkung 0x Bild 2x Alle Einträge Galerie