The High Point of Ohio (1,549 ft.), commonly known as Campbell Hill, is in Western Ohio, within the City limits of Bellfontaine, although in a semi-rural area. It sits on the grounds of a Vocational School called the Ohio Hi-Point Center, which was originally a cold war era Air Force Radar facility that was converted to Civilian use in 1974. Makes sense, I suppose, a radar facility at the highest point for several hundred miles in the relatively low Mid-Western U.S..
That being said, the high point is obviously on private property in a gated facility, and is open for acess the following hours:
HOWEVER by calling the Hi-Point Center's buildings and grounds office (a suggestion I saw on a peak bagging website), I was easily able to obtain permission to visit on a Sunday, and the nice lady even told me where there was a walk-in gate in the fence. Turns out I didn't need this though, because there was an Air Force Squadron reunion on the Sunday of my visit. I can't speak for her giving you permission to visit at 2:00 AM or anything like that though.
Your mission is to go to the High Point of Ohio, and open this top drawer:
And take a picture of your entry in this Summit Register. This is your logging requirement. Preferably, of course, without cutting off the date of your visit, like I did: But hey, the important thing is to get the "Campbell Hill visitors log" in there. GPS optional. Note there are also nice "fill out yourself" certificates to document your visit. I have uploaded a picture of mine at the bottom of this cache page.