Wpisy do logu OCNA Challenge Cache - Lonely Cache Level 2.3
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2023-01-02 12:21
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Three that qualify...
A King and his Castle - OU057D
Date I found: 2015-08-09 (FTF)
Date hidden: 2012-09-01
Date I found: 2018-08-05
Previous find: 2014-05-20
Date I found: 2019-02-23
Previous find: 2015-08-20
2020-05-18 10:07
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I haven't been on the site for a while until just recently. I retired and moved south last summer. Only a couple of OCNA caches within 100 miles of where I now live.
Now with this Covid-19 thing happening, I, like most other people, are not caching as much as I'm used to. I was reminded of these locationless caches and decided to revisit them. Lots of research to do here, but I have several that I qualify for.
I have to admit, I plagiarized DudleyGrunt quite a bit on these lonely caches, as we were together for many of the finds. Our logs state as much.
My requirement for the 2 Year Lonely Series is below:
I'm going down to Yasgur's farm - OU042A- FTF with DudleyGrunt on 8/9/14 after publication on 4/3/12 (~2 yr 4 mo).
SNOW Storm 20 - OU045C - Found with DudleyGrunt on 8/30/14. Previously found by stargatekrewe on 6/26/12 (2 yr 2 mo).
Longstreet Farm - OU004F- Found with DudleyGrunt on 8/9/14. Previsouly found on 7/29/12 by JerseyEric. The cache is also listed on Navicache and had last been logged there on 1/2/12 by kmcrvgeocaching.
Nice Quiet Road Cache - OU0428 - FTF with DudleyGrunt on 8/9/14 after publication on 4/3/12 (~2 yr 4 mo).
SNOW Storm 9 - OU041B Found with DudleyGrunt on 8/30/14. Previously logged on 6/23/12 by stargatekrewe. Was actually DNF'd just 2 months before our find, so good for us for this challenge. (2 yr 2 mo).
2017-09-12 02:01
Bon Echo
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I logged most of the Lonely Cache challenges about 2 years ago, all expect 2.3 and 2.5. Pretty sure I'm good for those now. Lets try.
Here's the one I used for 2.1:
Riverside-Salem Church BIT Created by Mr.Yuck (OU05A2)
My find: 03/31/2015; Previous find: 23 Dec 2012; Elapsed: 2yr 3mo
now adding a couple more "unclaimed lonely caches"; 2 more for Level 2.3Pembroke Park Cache My find: 09/08/2017; Previous find: 12/26/2011; Elapsed: 5yr, 9mo
National Capitals - Ottawa, ON, Canada My find: 03 July 2017 (FTF); Hidden 10 June 2013; Elapsed: 4yr, 1mo
2016-04-05 15:17
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My 3 x 2-years:
webcam cache (mystery) - OU023E
2 years lonely
22 August 2014 ithink314 Found it
17 July 2012 sakura_ Found it
LWT: Laurel Museum - OU02F4
2 years lonely
15 September 2014 ithink314 Found it
11 November 2011 Recommendation cycleangela Found it
LWT: Early Methodism in Laurel - OU0524
2 years lonely
15 September 2014 ithink314 Found it
10 August 2012 sfcchaz Found it
2015-11-06 15:21
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I barely make this one, with 3 lonely cache finds where the previous finder was more than 2 years, but less than 3 years before me. They are:
2015-10-23 20:59
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Challenge cache verification:
Lonely Cache (Level 2.3)
My find: 23 Jan 15
Previous find: 6 Aug 12
My find: 21 Mar 15 (FTF)
Previous find: 22 Aug 12
My find: 10 May 15 (FTF)
Previous find: 7 Mar 13
2015-10-23 02:35
Centrum Obsługi Geocachera
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2015-10-22 19:51
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Using the cache for Level 2 and two more...
1. I'm going down to Yasgur's farm - FTF with sfcchaz on 8/9/14 after publication on 4/3/12 (~2 yr 4 mo).
2. SNOW Storm 20 - Found with sfcchaz on 8/30/14. Previously found by stargatekrewe on 6/26/12 (2 yr 2 mo).
3. Longstreet Farm - Found with sfcchaz on 8/9/14. Previsouly found on 7/29/12 by JerseyEric.
The cache is also listed on Navicache and had last been logged there on 1/2/12 by kmcrvgeocaching.
Happy Trails!
2015-10-20 18:43
Centrum Obsługi Geocachera
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