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9235 2020-05-18 10:15 sfcchaz (user activity406) - Znaleziona

I haven't been on the site for a while until just recently. I retired and moved south last summer. Only a couple of OCNA caches within 100 miles of where I now live. 

Now with this Covid-19 thing happening, I, like most other people, are not caching as much as I'm used to. I was reminded of these locationless caches and decided to revisit them. Lots of research to do here, but I have several that I qualify for.

My requirement for the OCNA Challenge Cache - Seasonal Cacher (Summer) is below:


Hidden 06/05/2011 - To The Rescue - OU02BB

Hidden 07/23/2011 - An Armored Vehicle in Frederick - OU02D4

Hidden 08/29/2010 - Odd Spots - A not-so-little mermaid - OU0075

8704 2018-10-17 14:07 GoinPostNet (user activity208) - Znaleziona

Here are my qualifiers. Thanks for the challenge!


Tranquility Base – OU0746  - Hidden June 13 2014

Where is the lamp post? – OU0A9B  - Hidden July 26 2017

Looking Forward Camtastic – OU090F  - Hidden August 31 2015

7874 2017-03-24 21:11 TommyGator (user activity244) - Znaleziona

Here are my qualifiers:   Hidden 08/06/2015   Hidden 07/13/2015   Hidden 06/25/2015

7008 2016-04-05 10:57 ithink314 (user activity276) - Znaleziona

I found the following Summer Hidden's:

Airport Overlook - , Date Hidden: 02 June 2014

Banshee: The CADI & Miles' Diner - , Date Hidden: 19 July 2015

National Vigilance Park - , Date Hidden: 31 August 2015

6904 2016-02-12 23:13 rvstauff (user activity83) - Wpis skasowany

Wpis typu [Znaleziona] skasowany.

6869 2016-01-22 16:53 TermiteHunter (user activity242) - Znaleziona

6/22/12 Double Bass - a large musical instrument - OU04BC

7/23/11 Cul-de-Sac Cache - OU02D5

8/5/11   Oceanside Hide - OU02DD

6792 2015-11-22 21:18 DudleyGrunt (user activity634) - Znaleziona

The only OCNA exclusive cache I have in June was the event below that I hosted and just happened to be one of my few OCNA ONLY events I've hosted.  Whew!
JUN - 6/28/15 - DG's Monthly M&G - Burgers, Dogs, & More! -
JUL - 7/1/11 - Bond Lake Park - Upper Escarpment -
AUG - 8/21/10 - Odd Spots - What’s the Skinny? -
Happy Trails!

The only OCNA exclusive cache I have in June was the event below that I hosted and just happened to be one of my few OCNA ONLY events I've hosted.  Whew!

JUN - 6/28/15 - DG's Monthly M&G - Burgers, Dogs, & More! -

JUL - 7/1/11 - Bond Lake Park - Upper Escarpment -

AUG - 8/21/10 - Odd Spots - What’s the Skinny? -

Happy Trails!


OCNA # 389
All Geocaches # 5510
All Geo-games # 21242