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 Log entries 10th headquarter-event    6x 3x {{log_note}} 0x Photo 1x Gallery  

10282 2023-08-26 13:07 Tungmar (user activity1) - Attended

What a wonderful spectacle unfolded around the 10th HQ party. There were fascinating guided tours, delicious food, pleasant company, exciting games and entertainment, as well as numerous lovingly crafted little treasures to discover. This experience will undoubtedly remain unforgettable.

Certainly, heartfelt thanks are due to all those who made this fabulous spectacle possible. Your tireless effort and dedication made this unforgettable event a reality. It was truly wonderful.

T3.0 D1.0 SEvent 13:07 DL:OCHQ10,OP9MLU,OB1BF8,OK0501,OR0269,OZ028F