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 Log entries Bike N Seek    {{found}} 3x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 1x  

1758 2010-10-24 14:05 NativTxn (user activity177) - Note

This is the FTF log from Kianlo on this cache.  See the original post at

WHOOP!!! FTF @ 2:05 pm 82 degrees fahrenheit. Mrs. Kianlo isn't "officially" Mrs. Kianlo but we took a big step toward that here. We parked and the GPSr said we were a mere 80 feet from GZ. Mrs. Kianlo said, "I'm not sure I'm going in there," so I went alone. I wandered around for quite a while and then remembered the clue. There aren't many of those things here and I finally spotted it and the cache. Then I thought what a perfect place to do what I'd been thinking of on the drive up from Houston. I called to the soon to be Mrs. Kianlo and said, "I found it, want to come in?" She said, "OK, what's the best way?" I showed her and then retrieved the cache. I wasn't certain we were first but I'd already decided what I was doing next. I figured if she would ride 100 miles with me and then venture into the woods in shorts, she's the right one. She thought I was just taking a pic, but I took a knee on the first aid kit in the cache and asked, "Will you marry me?" and then took the pic. She was flabbergasted and couldn't believe I was asking at that time. She then said, "YES." SL. #259 overall and 50 days in a row. T: TX key chain (probably should have put a ring in there myself), L: Aggie joke book. Traded a TB for the coin in the cache. TVeryMuchFTC Most memorable one yet. Now all I have to do is find a rock.