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 Log entries jean paul gaultier    {{found}} 3x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 1x  

5425 2014-10-04 16:00 TommyGator (user activity244) - Found it

It took two attempts before I found this one.  The first time I came, my GPSr was pointing me to another area which also matched the description and hint.  When I didn't find it there, geosense tried to get me to look in another good spot, but a muggle had that place fully occupied at the time and I had to depart.  Today I came back and the GZ was muggle-free.  The GPSr still pointed me elsewhere, but I checked the spot I'd eyed on my first visit and, sure enough, there it was!  Took care of the logwork and was off.  If you're having trouble with the GPSr as I did, try N30-37.056 W096-20.283 and see if that works any better for you.  I love coming back to Aggieland---Thanks!